A2 Ghee Through the Ages: A Golden Journey of Tradition and Health

Remember those mornings at your dadi’s place? The aroma of freshly made chapatis, glistening with a generous dollop of desi ghee – a golden, almost magical potion that enhanced every bite. Of course, it enveloped their ever-expanding love for us that added an intangible dimension to the taste of everything we ate.

From time immemorial, ghee, also called clarified butter by many, has graced kitchens and propelled traditions across regions. Fast forward to today, and those ghee-laden rotis might be a rarer sight. But what if we told you this ancient elixir is experiencing a global resurgence? Although it’s mostly found in the kitchen or a place of worship in houses, it goes far beyond its perceived primary purpose. Desi ghee is not merely an ingredient, for Indian families, it’s an emotion that connects generations with one another. 

Going a level up in our discussion on the timeless relevance of desi ghee, mentioning A2 cow ghee becomes inevitable. It’s a window into ancient wisdom, a testament to human ingenuity, and a symbol of cultural reverence. 

With this backdrop of imagination on our minds, let’s embark on a historical journey to explore the significance of A2 ghee through the ages.

The story of A2 ghee begins with the very origin of dairying. Traditional cattle breeds, like the Gir, Sahiwal, and Rathi in India, naturally produce milk containing predominantly A2 beta-casein, a specific type of protein. This milk was used to create a clarified butter – a process of simmering and skimming to remove milk solids and water, resulting in a shelf-stable golden liquid – known as A2 ghee.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine with its roots dating as far back as over 3,000 years, has cow ghee in high esteem for its multifaceted benefits. Sanskrit texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita have glorified its virtues with evidential statements. Desi cow ghee is considered a “sattvic” food, that promotes balanced bodily fluids, and vitality, and boosts mental clarity. Aside from being a flavour enhancer in cooking it also played a role in medicinal practices. Ghee was used for wound healing, believed to improve digestion, and even served as a carrier for herbal remedies.

Recently, a renewed interest in A2 desi ghee has been seen tickling people. The resurgence  

can be attributed to several factors. One of those is the growing awareness of the potential health benefits associated with A2 milk and ghee. Some studies suggest that A2 milk might be easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance as compared to regular milk which contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein. Additionally, A2 ghee is also admired for a wide range of potential health benefits. Come let’s have a glance at those:

Improved Digestion

A2 ghee is believed to spur the secretion of digestive enzymes, that help in the breakdown of food and promote gut health. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who experience occasional digestive discomfort. 

It’s good to be kind to your gut.

Rich Nutrient Source

It’s a concentrated source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in vision and immune function. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and calcium absorption. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health. A2 ghee, by incorporating these essential vitamins, can contribute to overall well-being. 

Let’s make a shift, this is the least we owe to ourselves.

Healthy Fats

It contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a type of fatty acid linked to benefits like weight management and improved body composition. While research is ongoing, some studies suggest CLA may help promote feelings of satiety, the sense of feeling full after a meal, and support lean muscle mass. Befriend this golden elixir and you’ll never be disappointed. 


The clarification process removes lactose, the naturally found sugar in milk. This makes A2 ghee a suitable option for those with lactose intolerance who may experience digestive discomfort after consuming regular dairy products. 

It’s time to be nice to that sweet tooth of yours and treat it to some delicacies made with A2 ghee.

High Smoke Point

A2 ghee has a high smoke point, the temperature at which the fat starts to break down and burn. This makes it ideal for high-heat cooking methods like sauteing, stir-frying, or even deep-frying without generating harmful free radicals. 

Now you know it’s good to include it in your daily diet; your job is to create a balance and enjoy the golden goodness.

It’s important to note that some of these health benefits require further scientific exploration. However, A2 ghee, when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, can be a nourishing and delicious addition to your meals.

Within the A2 ghee world, “desi cow ghee” holds a special place. Desi refers to “native” in Hindi, and desi cow ghee is produced from the milk of indigenous Indian cow breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, and Sindhi. These cows are known for producing A2 milk naturally and are often raised in free-range settings, solidifying the perception of a more ethical and sustainable product.

As research on A2 milk and ghee continues, you shouldn’t be surprised by some marvellous establishments on the grounds of holistic well-being. Such research fortified benefits when coupled with the growing focus on natural & functional foods, will push A2 cow ghee into the mainstream. Of course, it’s an exclusive culinary marvel but also a symbol of a rich cultural heritage and a testament to the enduring power of tradition. 
So hopefully, the next time you catch yourself wondering about the wonders of A2 ghee, you will quickly come to https://www.mesky.in/ and order the best A2 desi ghee in Gurgaon which proudly delivers unadulterated, preservatives-free desi ghee within hours of milking. We know you care for your family and so do we!

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Written by:meskytech All posts by the author

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